(h)ear festival #3 - "sound travels"
More names to be added!
Pierre Berthet (BE)
Pierre Berthet plays "Galileo", a 40mn piece by Tom Johnson for 5 sounding pendulums.
"Nature is a book that one can read but it's written in the langage of mathematics" (Galilei)
The day Galileo Galilei discovered the law of the pendulum, I'm sure he
thought he was reading the book of nature, and when I play my pendulums
I sometimes have a similar feeling. I can not control their movement
and can only try to follow their rhythm, their natural rhythm. The law
of the pendulum is only one among thousands of laws that control the
world we live in, not counting those yet undiscovered, but it is a
natural law that can be seen and heard rather easily, and often people
who attend performances of Galileo also feel that they are not only
hearing music, but also reading a bit from the book of nature. (Tom
Galileo is a composition/instrument that swings on five pendulums. The
slowest of these hangs from a line about 260 cm long, suspended from a
height of about four meters. The other four pendulums must be carefully
measured, following the formula discovered by Galileo Galilei some 500
years ago, so as to make their cycles in 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5 and the
time necessary for the longest. A sequence of short compositions allow
us to hear all the different combinations of tempos. The piece has
evolved slowly from three pendulums to five, from 10 minute to over 40,
in a variety of situations.
Méryll Ampe (FR)
her own words: "I'm currently attenting 5th year of fine arts at the
"Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts Plastiques" in Cergy, France where
I'm preparing to finish a Master degree in sound art and sculpture. In
the year 2011 I broadcasted the composition "Alcor, Balade d'un
cavalier flâneur" with a acousmonium at the George Bizet consevatory of
Paris. I also performed in differents places in France for instance:
Instants Chavirés, KOBE, Glassbox and, the Institut Français d'Amerique
Latine in Mexico City this year in collaboration with Fabien Zocco. I
worked in Mexico City as assistant of Manuel Rocha Iturbide sound
artist. I also worked for different multimedia and sound artists like
Robin Meier, Axelle Remeaud mostly in France. I was interested in
sound by envisaging it as a plastic material, for its affluence of
textures and to crossing it with my artist plastic practice. I
developed my work from the field recording so that its elements chosen
as their acoustic and aesthetic criteria are my principles in the
working base. Taking from sculpture's techniques: to cut in the mass,
to model, to chisel, gives me the possibility of working the the
sound's body to introduce me the most further inside as possible.
Transform to stress its initials relief, to bring it up to turbulences.
My sound researches take me to a reflection of composition, the space
of electronic materials to put them in echoes, where becomes
established in a timeway to transcend them. These electronic
manipulations, accurately thorough, suggest developing an internal
journey to the listener and to dive in a poetic continuum.
performance will articulate mainly around a sculptural sonic work,
realized with various sound's materials (field recording). These
materials are sculptured, misshapen by real time electronic treatments
in space, giving rise to an empirical experience. During this
improvised study, certain frequencies will be questioned to establish
sound fields, through which the public will be invited to experience an
introspective journey."
Roughledge aka Cédric Dambrain (BE)
Cédric Dambrain is a composer, performer and instrument designer based
in Brussels. His sonic research includes compositions for ensembles,
solo works, electronic/computer music, installations and live
performances. His last written piece, In Memoriam F.R. v.3 (processed
trumpet and live electronics - 2012), is to be released on a split 12"
vinyl (Sub Rosa, Belgium).
Next to his musical work, Cédric Dambrain has collaborated vastly in
the field of music theater and dance performance.
He recently completed the design of a music controller prototype with
vibrotactile feedback, aiming to develop a genuinely physical approach
of electronic music. He is currently working on a solo project focusing
on physiological sound experiments and perception thresholds. His debut
album, Subjective Slave (CD), is out now.
Tropic of Coldness (IT/BE)
Tropic of Coldness paly "Flooding Memories": The North-East of Italy
was hit by a very heavy flooding in November 1966. In a small town in
the Veneto Region, memories of the flooding of November 1966, when the
town was covered by nearly 3 meters of water overflown from the local
river Livenza, are still present, strengthen by the periodic threats of
new flooding every time autumn's heavy rainfalls are occurring.
During the 1966 flood, the waters didn't grow as much as to damage one
of the Tropic of Coldness members' family piano, which has been used to
record two original tunes in the occasion of the 47th anniversary of
the flood.
Tropic of Coldness will present a set titled 'Flooding memories', in
which the duo will improvise over multiple sound layers created by the
two new piano tunes 'treated' with effects and the field recordings
recorded along the banks of the river Livenza. The music will be
accompanied by visuals created by Tropic of Coldness re-elaborating
some of the footage shot during the 1966 flooding.
Charles Krutzen (NL) Charles Krutzen present "QuadropheniaX" "I'm a video (animation and installation particularly) and sound artist, at
least... mainly. Besides, as an 'addition' to his sound work;
performances since 1993." During those he combines elements of theatre
with poetry, his own sound and video compositions. Until now he has
performed in, except The Netherlands, among others, Japan, England,
Since circa 2004 he also performs as a (electronic) noise musician.
Noise is also present clearly in some of his video work. Besides video
and sound work, he sometimes makes dada-ish assemblages. Alienation in
combination with confrontation and in some (sometimes higher) degree
with symbolism play a prominent part in his work. Important are
unexpected combinations in respect of image and sound compared to
Mario van Horrik and Petra Dubach (NL)
In 2009 Petra and Mario started their "Improvisations" project.
The concept is really simple: with a selection of instruments and
objects on a table, they start off, and continue until the end. Two
mikes, two amp/speakers, a mixing board and a loop station are used to
amplify and reproduce the sounds they create. The instruments and
objects Petra and Mario use are different every time and depend a.o. of
what they can take with them. During several concerts these last years
the results evolved, and the end of the evolution is still a mystery,
and in time uncertain. So far Petra and Mario played their improvised
concerts at Gallery Kunstpraktijk, Veldhoven, Werkstatt Improvisierte
Musik, Zürich, Extrapool, Nijmegen, Freitagsmusik, Hamburg, Hörbar,
Hamburg, Kunstverein Duisburg, Clockbuilding Strijp S, Eindhoven,
Lokaal 01, Breda, Skolska 28, Prague.
The press about Petra and Mario: "Another boat of music weirdoes in the
open sea with no familiar coordinates... The only compass is their
creative intuition. Let's start this obscure journey based on the
principle 'the one who risks makes profit'".
Margriet Kicks-Ass (NL)
Margriet Kicks-Ass has over 10 years of experience in sound art and is
the designer, builder, conductor and musical performer of her own
instruments. The physical power of sound is Margriet's inspiration
source. Her explorative journey consist of a mixture of electronic
sound with acoustic vibrations. Margriet Studied Sound & Image (Art
& Science) at the Royal Conservatory and Royal Academy of Fine Arts
in The Hague.
Since 2004 she's on stage with theatrical sound-performances with
self-built instruments/soundobjects on festivals and concertplaces all
over Holland, Belgium and Germany.
Her selfmade instrument RAUSCHMASCHINE consists of a filing cabinet set
in motion by controllable ground notes, resonating from the built-in
speakers. The result is that everything in and on the cabinet starts
resonating/vibrating with this energy, which is amplified by
microphones and mixed into the composition.
Her new prototype SPLASHBOX enables these vibrations to become audible
underwater. A speaker turns water into motion, which starts the
underwater objects to vibrate, and the resonance is together with the
sound of the water transmitted by an underwater microphone to a speaker.
Adolf&Eva (NL)
A noise-operette (later) derived from the famous creation story of Adam
& Eva mixed with Wagner's Tristan & Isolde with a crunchy noise
twist. It will be performded for the second time at (h)ear. It is a
spontaneous mounted performance created spontaneously during
Hysteryland 2, thanks to time need. The duo consists of noise-guru
Peter Zincken and his protégé Lorna Buckley, both ' die hard friends '
and FCKN BSTRDS members.
Ziek (NL)
State of the art Dutch Power Elektra. Zuster Ziek (meaning Sister
Sick), aka Anja Zilvervisje) performs announced preferably at the most
unexpected sites. Junk noise from the FCKN'BSTRDS stable. 100%
discretion and hygiene garanteed!
To be described as CliniClownTerror with an absurdistic blend of humor. You'll never know what hit you!
Frans Roovers (NL) Frans's
output is massive. He is an extraordinary creative person, especially
with his misical output. He composes for a variety of projects in which
he is involved, writes music for theatre, dans productions, arranges
scores for choirs, likes to play around with any elctrical device he
can lay his hands on, etc… During (h)ear festival he will do an
experiment with a telecom devive he recently found at a second hend
market. He.., we.., nobody has any idea of wjat will be the outcome of
his experimentation. Well, isn't that part of (h)ear's intention? www.rooversbende.nl/
Solar Plex aka Riccardo Bertan (IT) Solar Plex will play "Water Recordings". Riccardo
Bertan explores sound perceptions in sonic non narrative events.
Focusing on listening and in the aesthetic research of the field
recordings connected with memories of the places. He emphasizes micro
sounds and feeling versus the high fidelity, giving importance also at
the recording noises. The sonic compositions are in relation with time
that he try to freeze like in old pictures with their special color
given by years's passing. He works on live performance especially with
improvisations in the field of ambient|drones, in this type of set he
works on space perception and on physical feeling of sonic waves. He
investigates the developing of sounds's movements through auditory
space. He use ritual repetitions to involve the audience inside the
performance, he does gradual small changings in the used sounds made
with instruments, field recordings and synthesizers. He is
collaborating with visual artists to create sonic ambients for their
works both for whole art exhibitions and for a single work, reflections
about the sonic description of the works are made after a survey on the
creative process behind the frame of the artists involved, those sonic
descriptions aren't sound design development but synergic artworks. He
performs as Solar Plex, RB and as a duo with Big Numbers. https://soundcloud.com/mr_bedroom
Joker Nies (DE) Circuit-Bending the Omnichord: The Omniconcertino - how to turn the Suzuki Omnichord OM-27 into a versatile musical instrument. Modifiying
a Suzuki Omnichord model OM-27, became my introduction to what is known
to the world as „circuit-bending“ these days. In 1995, when a friend of
mine found a Omnichord in his backyard, that he gave to me, I had no
idea about circuit-bending and had never heard about Reed Ghazala, who
coined the term in a article series in the Experimental Musical
Instrument (EMI) magazine around that time. It turned out that the
Omnichord, as it is, was a very limited instrument with a pretty boring
sound. That fact had me open it after about 20 minutes, just to have a
look at what would be inside. When I touched the circuit-board, I heard
the first interesting sound coming out of it. So I started exploring
the instrument and the possibilities of creating and altering sounds
with skin resistance trough connecting different parts of the
circuit-boards with my fingers. Over the years all this
modifications lead to the creation of the Omniconcertino - my
concert-version of a higly modified and enhanced instrument, with a
amazingly open and precisely controllable sound-palette. The
Presentation will show the inner workings and modification
possibilities of the OM-27 and also show some of the history of the
iconic Suzuki instruments. www.klangbureau.de
Mario van Horrik and Petra Dubac (NL)
Mario van Horrik and Petra Dubach present "Trans(port)(l)ation" "Trans(port)(l)ation" is a project that started around 2006, first with the title "Trainslation". The
idea is very simple: Open Data, and in particular the timetables of
public transport are plotted on maps, actually scores, which can be
played manually by music boxes, so this is basically translated into
music - Platforms, gates, line numbers of bus or tram determine the
pitch; departure times determine the moment when the pitch is heard. "Trans(port)(l)ation"
has been exhibited in Eindhoven, Utercht, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Madrid,
Istanbul, New York, Zagreb and Tel Aviv. https://vimeo.com/13957744
Portable Noise Kremator (NL) presents "Onvoorbereid"
is opgevat als een mix tussen een lezing over noise en een regulier
Portable Noise Kremator optreden. Tijdens de grotendeels
geïmproviseerde presentatie haal ik anekdotes op uit de 17 jaar dat ik
inmiddels in de scene zit en wat dat doet met de manier waarop je in
het leven staat, heb ik het onder andere over zelfgebouwde
instrumenten, frequently asked questions (en hoe ze te vermijden), het
belang van korte kabels en de noodzaak van lange. Portable Noise
Kremator anno 2013 staat voor DIY electronica, zelfgebouwde
oscillators, sequencers en effecten – nu eens stuurloze chaos, dan weer
haaks op elkaar staande noisebeats en drones. "Onvoorbereid" verwijst
naar de steeds korter wordende tijd die ik doorheen de jaren ben gaan
spenderen aan de voorbereiding van mijn live optredens.
De TekenkingZ (NL) De TekenkingZ present "De TekenkingZ at School" Masterful
rock paintings of stunning virtuosity are the earliest signs of human
presence on Earth. Since then, every man has translated his feelings
and fantasies shaped by signs. Without drawings no history, no science,
no language, no discoveries, no conquests, no industrial revolution, no
computer era. Without signs no education. Their mission is to stimulate
drawing because it is the basis of many forms of expression. The
Tekenkingz will perform using sounds (or music?) of their choise to
accompany their drawing actions during (h)ear festival 3. De
TekenkingZ are cartonist and artist Toon Hezemans, cartonist and
inventor Gady Mirtenbaum and cartonist/illustrator Berend Vonk. www.tekenkingz.nl
Duo_BB (NL) The
workshop lead by Duo_BB remains until now even a mystery for us. Let's
just capture some items from their text: "We try to capture the most
ordinary things humans do by filming them. Think about acts like
cycling, stopping, getting of the bike, putting it aside, walk away,
looking over your shoulder - into the camera - like it's another
person and then suddenly laughter can be heard, more or less in a way
as if it's a reward for fulfilling the mission - even though very
unsignificant." Duo_BB will take the participant on a mission to
awareness of simple actions being just as important a any other action.
Using laughing as a reward. But there's more... It might come in
handy if every participant would bring their own camera or smartphone
to use during this workshop. 12 participants only limit! Reservations: info@h-ear.org
Video/Audio works
Sabine Burger (DE) & Kleefstra|Bakker|Keefstra (NL) "Sinne op íe Wangen" video by Sabine Burger & Kleefstra|Bakker|Keefstra. The
video "Sinne op íe Wangen" is a collaboration between German visual
artist Sabine Burger and Dutch trio Kleefstra|Bakker|Kleefstra. Burger
has also collaborated with Machinefabriek to make productions like
"Lichtung" and "Instuif". After seeing Kleefstra|Bakker|Kleefstra play
a show in Brussels she invited the trio to compose music which in
return would inspire her to make a new video. Kleefstra|Bakker|Kleefstra
are the two brothers Jan en Romke Kleeftra, also active members of he
Alvaret Ensemble, and Anne Chris Bakker. The trio published two albums
and collaborated with artists as Peter Broderick, Machinefabriek and
Liondialer. About the video: With just a few raw stills the trio
started improvising creating a dialogue betweem their music and
Burger's visual work. Result is a 30 minute lasting trance. Images in
only black & white playing with light. The monochrome images
seeming to accellerate and skip randomly with the sound evolving in a
more hectic sphere. www.sabine-buerger.de http://romkekleefstra.blogspot.nl
Stefan Piat (BE)
Pan&scan, video, 30', 2012
Pan&scan reconstitutes the daylong observation of a city filmed
from the same window. Facing outward, the camera scans the panorama
looking for a multitude of possible frames. Sound is recorded in all
directions, inward as well as outward. With support of Q-o2 and
Constant Variable.
Temporary Item.s aka Carine Masutti (FR)
Masutti presents her artistic project under the name of Temporary
Item.s, an intuitive attempt to express the impermanence of our world,
its beauty, magic, as sometimes its horror. Backed by a classical piano
experience, a multi-cultural environment and a never-ending enthusiasm
for experimentation, she makes the sound an ingredient to cook her own
musical primordial soup, as she likes to define her work. She uses
anything good to her imagination, field recording, instruments,
objects, found sounds, reworks the whole until the story is told,
enhanced by a meticulous production.
Temporary Item.s is regularly present on sound and art festivals, listening events and radios.
Fergus Kelly (IE)
Kelly is a sound artist and improvising musician based in Dublin
working with sound and photomontage primarily.. He has been in numerous
shows around Ireland, and has shown in Canada, America, Germany,
Finland, Holland and England. He has done soundtracks for film and
theatre and received many Arts Council awards. He is a founder member
of The Whispering Gallery collective for the promotion of improvised
and electronic music in an Irish context. Sound has been a constant
element in his work, and has been used in a variety of contexts:
tape/slide, performance, installation, soundworks for tape, CD, radio,
and public spaces.
during (h)ear festival 3 we can experience his audio contribution
"Concrete Sonotities" which can be listened to in an intimate room.
Producer Kant Spin Noyce aka Patrick van Bentum (NL) Patrick
van Bentum is a self-taught artist with a strong affection for graphic
work. Within his two-dimensional work, which is characterized by the
strongly applying vertical and diagonal lines, he also researches
resources and effects of converting his drawings into sound. By doing
this his sometimes insane and inflicted drawings get an even more
mystical dark atmospheres. During (h)ear festival 3 Patrick will
present a video-work under his monniker Producer Kant Spin Noyce using
the (h)ear-logo for the conversion to an audio visual work. no external site
Neural Xolotl! aka Fabián Avila E (MX)
Neural Xolotl! presents his sound piece "Never To Be Forgotten" (Ulular Mambo).
Description: Which are the memories of a man and a dog in guerrilla?
Does the dog remember his chant to calm babies? Does the man remember
how he played soccer with his friends? Does both remember a lullaby?
Does the dog remember his chant of happiness when the man came home
every night? Maybe the man just wants to hear his mother's voice
through walkie-talkies: "I love you so much, my love, and I'll never
forget you". This piece links the chants of dogs, babies crying,
soundscape, noise, high frequencies, and human voice, into a kind of
prayer to stop the violence to children, animals, and humans, since in
Mexico we live one of the most heinous times.
The guerrilla soundscapes were recorded by Christine Renaudat. The
sound of water was taken from Luc Ferrari's web site and used by
permission of Brunhild Ferrari. Other soundscapes were taken from
YouTube or recorded by myself. This piece it's my first exercise using
the theoretical framework about fixed, moving, and variable
perspectives, stated by Barry Truax.
João Ricardo (PT)
João Ricardo presents his sound piece "Sleeping Aid".
Ricardo's work investigates the nuances of vibrations in our lives
through the use of slow evolving compositions which emphasize the need
for calm and slowness in today's fast paced world. Ricardo explores
abstract and dense sceneries as motifs to describe the idea of
imaginary space. Using fractured loops, rich textures, and unusual
patterns, Ricardo creates meditative environments which suggest the
expansion of space and time.
João Ricardo was born in Porto, Portugal. After having toured as a
death metal guitarist in the 90's and technically assisting super stars
in a casino, he immersed in electronic music and never looked back. In
the advent of the new millenium, the ocp - operador de cabine
polivalente - project came to life. Presently, João dedicates himself
to performing live - both on his own and with fellow improvisers - and
to composition/production/experimentation with multimedia. He's also a
prolific figure in the international open source audiovisual scene and
manages the EdP - Editora do Porto netlabel.
http://opcabpol.bandcamp.com/album/sleeping-aid Wouter Huis (NL) Wouter
Huis works in different media, but mainly focuses on video. Or rather:
he places a medium (or mediator) in between what we see and how we see,
directing the gaze towards things that normally do not find themselves
in the centre of attention but that are always, unobtrusively there in
the architecture that surrounds us. By doing so, scanning spaces and
situations, he also places the focus on the medium as such. It is a
state between the something and the nothing that seems to fascinate
Huis. www.wouterhuis.com
Majjem radio (NL) Majjem
Radio celebrates it's 25th anniversary this year. That was cellebrated
in Venlo earlier this year at their own festival. To highlight this
event we've decided to invite the two hosts to spin a bunch of
interesting sounds. Majjem is a weekly radioshow, that is aired
every Wednesday on Omroep Venlo FM. The show is dedicated to all sorts
of music, that isn't getting the attention it deserves. Majjem is
on-air every Wednesday evening at 21:00 till 23:00 (CET). You can
listen to the show, via the internet-stream of Omroep Venlo FM, and on
demand whenever you want. Check the playlists for the links to listen
to Ze Majjem. Majjem is hosted by Wil Roeven and Jeroen Frencken.
During (h)ear festival #2 they will present exclusive audio recordings
which can be listened to during the whole day via headphones. www.myspace.com/majjem
Gonzo (circus) (B/NL) Gonzo
(circus) is a paper magazine with a CD, a blog and much more. Over 20
years long Gonzo (circus) writes independent about innovative and music
and culture. From contemporary composed to metal, from electronics to
experimental pop and everything in between. And not only about music,
but also about film, literature, Visual culture, media and society.
Gonzo (circus) appears 6 x per year and each time offers 100 pages
packed with interviews, essays, columns, reviews and an extensive
agenda. Written by the best music journalists and by connoisseurs. With
each edition you can also expect the Mind The Gap CD, with the choa of
the editors from the current music offerings. On their website and
blog you can find daily news, festival and concert reviews, photo
blogs, additional articles and the editor's choice from the current
offer. In addition, you can consult a comprehensive agenda and a
immeasurable database with reviews. www.gonzocircus.com
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